We provide strategic guidance, administrative support and capital funding to sustain, develop, and grow our current and future affiliate companies as leaders in the life sciences and engineering.
Marco is one of the largest technology providers in the country with over 32,500 clients throughout the Midwest and nationwide.
Ampact's evidence-based programs delivered in schools are designed to give kids a chance to shine while supporting important early literacy or math skills that lead to lifelong success.
We support small to midsize businesses with tailored human resource management, workplace safety, and business coaching services.
Managed Business Technology & Services. Copiers/Printers, IT Solutions, Workflow Consulting. Largest privately owned business technology company in the Upper Midwest
Printed courtesy of www.willmarareachamber.com/ – Contact the Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
2104 Highway 12 East, Willmar, MN 56201 – (320) 235-0300 – info@willmarareachamber.com