Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce

Community & Non-Profit Organizations
Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Driving Directions:
Located on East Highway 12 and connected to the Willmar Conference Center.
About Us
The variety and scope of Chamber activities are unlimited. To visitors, the Chamber is the face of the city. We answer hundreds of inquiries about our city through personal visits to the office, phone calls, fax, email and by mail.
Our Members benefit every day from these referrals. The Chamber is dedicated to promoting a vibrant business environment. Attracting new businesses doesn't happen by accident. To business prospects and newcomers, the Chamber represents the community's pride and self image.
The Chamber is a strong voice for our Members and we actively seek to influence national, state and local legislation affecting business. The infrastructure needed for growth doesn't happen without effort.
Chamber Members are committed to improving our community and are supportive of endeavors to improve the quality of life. Many businesses choose the Chamber as a forum to give back to the entire community.