Wellness Wins: Resources and Tips to Stay Well in the Workplace

Date and Time
Thursday May 13, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Contact Information
Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce
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Wellness Wins: Resources and Tips to ...
Did you know that May is Employee Health and Fitness Month? Join us for a live Wellness Wins webinar focused on tips and resources for staying well in the workplace!
Ashley Rath, DC of Family Roots Chiropractic will share tips for preventing pain, burnout, and other work-related health issues. Plus, learn about other common health issues that are preventable through self-awareness and self-care.
Kelly Tauber, MAS-PH, MHA and Emily Van Hatten, RN of Carris Health will share how regular health screenings (also known as preventive exams) are important components of employee health and wellness. They are the foundation of employee health improvement and help to determine the possible presence of a disease or other health problems. Health care screening combined with integrated wellness programs, health assessments, and health coaching, can help improve overall wellness and reduce overall costs associated with an unhealthy workforce.
The presentation will be followed with a question and answer session.
Meet the Presenters
Ashley Rath, D.C. - As the owner of Family Roots Chiropractic, Dr. Ashley completed her Doctorate of Chiropractic and Bachelors of Science in Human Biology degrees from Northwestern Health Sciences University. Dr. Ashley has a passion for helping children and families experience life in a healthier state and specializes in pregnancy and pediatrics.
Emily Vanhatten - With over 13 years of experience in various roles as a registered nurse, along with 16 years of experience as a volunteer EMT, Emily has always had a strong desire for helping people. In her current role at Carris Health, Emily supports the Occupational Medicine Clinical Team and leads the coordination of employer wellness and onsite services. Emily's vast clinical experience in healthcare, which spans across areas such as inpatient, community and correctional care, emergency, home health as well as traditional clinic care has given her exclusive insight into how a health system can support and promote wellness for people in all different types of settings. Emily has also served her community as Mayor, Ambulance Director for the past 14 years, and is currently serving her second city council term. Emily’s community involvement, along with her clinical experiences have helped her recognize and value the importance of community wellness and health promotion.
Kelly Tauber - With over 15 years of experience in various roles in the healthcare industry, Kelly has found a passion to create solutions that support "wellcare" for people, employers and communities with a primary focus on health promotion and disease prevention. Kelly is committed to work that supports optimizing integration and utilization of community-rooted interventions as a key strategy for improving access and quality of care for effective population health improvement. She recently completed her second masters degree in Population Health from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and serves as the Director of Population Health, Wellness, Virtual Health, and Occupational Medicine at Carris Health. Kelly serves on the Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.
Ashley Rath, DC of Family Roots Chiropractic will share tips for preventing pain, burnout, and other work-related health issues. Plus, learn about other common health issues that are preventable through self-awareness and self-care.
Kelly Tauber, MAS-PH, MHA and Emily Van Hatten, RN of Carris Health will share how regular health screenings (also known as preventive exams) are important components of employee health and wellness. They are the foundation of employee health improvement and help to determine the possible presence of a disease or other health problems. Health care screening combined with integrated wellness programs, health assessments, and health coaching, can help improve overall wellness and reduce overall costs associated with an unhealthy workforce.
The presentation will be followed with a question and answer session.
Meet the Presenters
Ashley Rath, D.C. - As the owner of Family Roots Chiropractic, Dr. Ashley completed her Doctorate of Chiropractic and Bachelors of Science in Human Biology degrees from Northwestern Health Sciences University. Dr. Ashley has a passion for helping children and families experience life in a healthier state and specializes in pregnancy and pediatrics.
Emily Vanhatten - With over 13 years of experience in various roles as a registered nurse, along with 16 years of experience as a volunteer EMT, Emily has always had a strong desire for helping people. In her current role at Carris Health, Emily supports the Occupational Medicine Clinical Team and leads the coordination of employer wellness and onsite services. Emily's vast clinical experience in healthcare, which spans across areas such as inpatient, community and correctional care, emergency, home health as well as traditional clinic care has given her exclusive insight into how a health system can support and promote wellness for people in all different types of settings. Emily has also served her community as Mayor, Ambulance Director for the past 14 years, and is currently serving her second city council term. Emily’s community involvement, along with her clinical experiences have helped her recognize and value the importance of community wellness and health promotion.
Kelly Tauber - With over 15 years of experience in various roles in the healthcare industry, Kelly has found a passion to create solutions that support "wellcare" for people, employers and communities with a primary focus on health promotion and disease prevention. Kelly is committed to work that supports optimizing integration and utilization of community-rooted interventions as a key strategy for improving access and quality of care for effective population health improvement. She recently completed her second masters degree in Population Health from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and serves as the Director of Population Health, Wellness, Virtual Health, and Occupational Medicine at Carris Health. Kelly serves on the Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.
Wellness Wins is a virtual series organized to bring resources to business leaders across Kandiyohi County to help them navigate the uncertainty of turbulent and stressful times.
Wellness Wins Goals:
- Education – Experts provide valuable resources for self-care
- Empowerment – Leaders take the knowledge and resources gained from the series back to their organizations to empower employees
- Engagement – From a top-down approach, leaders use the information gained to lead by example and give their employees tools to improve their lives
Wellness Wins is brought to you by Woodland Centers, Carris Health, Project Turnabout, and the Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce.