Lunch & Learn: Navigating Minnesota's New ESST Law
Date and Time
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Willmar Conference Center Gallery 2
2104 US-12, Willmar, MN 56201
Chamber & DRIVE Members: $25
General Public: $35
RSVP to Willmar Lakes Area Chamber by Monday prior to the event to receive lunch.
Contact Information
Willmar Lakes Area Chamber
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Every employer with one or more employees is affected by Minnesota’s new Earned Sick and Safe Time law. Employers are required to create policies offering paid time off for illness, doctor appointments and other health or safety matters for employees and their families. Even if you already offer sick time, vacation time, or other paid time off (PTO), you will want to hear more about the requirements, how you can be compliant, and the possible future changes that may be made to this law. Vinna Human Resources will be providing information and resources to help employers navigate this new legislation.