Wellness Wins: Dealing with Toxic Co-Workers and Creating Healthy Boundaries

Date and Time
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Hybrid - Willmar Conference Center or Zoom
Contact Information
Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce
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Wellness Wins: Dealing with Toxic Co-...
Do you feel like there is no “right way” to deal with some co-workers or even some people in general? That any way you respond, you’ll get a rotten comment back or be immediately under assault? Toxic co-workers are common. They stir the pot and steal joy from work. Join us to learn how to reclaim your dignity and establish healthy boundaries in the workplace. The presentation will be followed with a question and answer session. Join us in person at the Willmar Conference Center or attend via Zoom.
Meet the Presenter
Heather Christensen, PE is a civil engineer who, over her 25 years as a professional has turned failing businesses and struggling teams into high performers.
Meet the Presenter
Heather Christensen, PE is a civil engineer who, over her 25 years as a professional has turned failing businesses and struggling teams into high performers.
Wellness Wins is a virtual series organized to bring resources to business leaders across Kandiyohi County to help them navigate the uncertainty of turbulent and stressful times.
Wellness Wins Goals:
- Education - Experts provide valuable resources for self-care
- Empowerment - Leaders take the knowledge and resources gained from the series back to their organizations to empower employees
- Engagement - From a top-down approach, leaders use the information gained to lead by example and give their employees tools to improve their lives
Wellness Wins is brought to you by Woodland Centers, Carris Health, Project Turnabout, and the Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce.